
Chemistry - Easy

Strongest bound nucleus.

In the Quran iron was sent down from outer space and has in it great might. Skeptics claim that whoever wrote the Quran made a mistake; iron rusts, bends and definitely NOT from outer space. Today scientists confirm that iron is only made in stars; and that it has the strongest bound nucleus among all elements.

Iron's atomic number is 26. It turned out that the gematrical value of word Iron in Arabic "حديد" is 26.

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Naturally occurring iron consists of four stable isotopes 54Fe, 56Fe, 57Fe and 58Fe. One of them, 57, has the same number of chapter "Iron" in the Quran. It also turned out that the gematrical value of the chapters name "الْحَدِيدَ" is 57.

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The number of verses to Iron in the Quran is the same number of kilometers to Iron on Earth. From the beginning of the Quran there are 5100 verses to the Iron verse in chapter Iron (see proof). It turned out that Iron on Earth is concentrated at its core 5100 km below the surface.

"Earth The Interior

With a radius of almost 3,500 km (2,200 miles), Earth's core is about the size of the entire planet Mars. About one-third of Earth's mass is contained in the core, most of which is liquid iron alloyed with nickel and some lighter, cosmically abundant components (e.g., sulfur, oxygen, and, controversially, even hydrogen). Its liquid nature is revealed by the failure of shear-type seismic waves to penetrate the core. A small, central part of the core, however, below a depth of about 5,100 km (3,200 miles), is solid iron."

Britannica, Earth The Interior, 2019

Number of verses to Iron in the Quran is the same number of kilometers to Iron on Earth.

Iron and most of the elements on Earth came from outer space. Iron was known and used long before the Quran however it was not the best choice for weapons because it rusted and it easily bent. The miracle is that the Quran said "we sent down iron, in it great might" at a time when they only knew that it rusted, bent and definitely NOT from outer space. Today we know that iron is formed in stars and that iron has the strongest bound nucleus among all elements.

How could an illiterate man who lived 1400 years ago have known about iron?

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